Our Story

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The absence of a Catholic School that could offer affordable quality
education to low-income families was a major concern voiced by the
different facilitators of the Bible Sharing groups headed by Sister Onding
Villafuerte when they attended a 3-day retreat in Tagaytay City with the
them Rev. Father Luis Antonio G. Tagle as Retreat Master. This proposal was
presented to Bishop Manuel Sobreviñas who agreed with the idea and
supported the opening of the school at once. Our parochial school applied
for and was granted a permit to operate Nursery-Kindergarten-Preparatory
levels on socialized tuition fees on October 10, 2000.
Classes for the Academic Year 2000-2001 opened with 100 enrollees at
the Parish Meeting Hall, which the school used for three years. The school
had Fr. Luis Antonio G. Tagle as School Director; Miss Lourdes G. Villafuerte as
School Principal, 6 teachers, 2 non-teaching staff, and 1 maintenance staff.
Every year, the school added another grade level with an increase in
personnel and teachers. At present, we offer complete pre-elementary,
elementary, junior high school and senior high school education.
People with concern for the poor have contributed to the school. The
present site was a donation of the two sisters, Elena and Remedios Monzon.
A four-storey building was donated by Felicidad Sy Foundation and the other
four-storey building by Mrs. Justa L. Lee’s family, friends and relatives.
Our high school department became operational in the year 2007-2008
with 105 enrollees. The School Board of Directors headed by Bishop Luis
Antonio G. Tagle decided to provide a continuity of affordable quality
education to our first set of Grade VI pupils. The school has absorbed its
alumni and at the same time has opened its door to transferees who want to
have a holistic development by producing well-rounded students who are
intellectually and morally nurtured. The following year, 2008 – 2009, the
enrollees have soared from three sections to four sections for freshmen. Our
administration and high school building is a donation of friends of Archbishop
Luis Antonio G. Tagle and School Foundation.